Interview with Dan Erikson (Fire Protection Services Coordinator)
We recently sat down with one of our Fire Sprinkler experts to talk about Howe Inc. and what it is like to work for the company. When Dan Erikson first started at Howe Inc., he had no experience in the fire sprinkler field. Through hands on training and educational seminars, Dan has become an expert and has now proudly worked with Howe for 5 years and was recently promoted to Fire Protection Service Coordinator. For any new hires, or people considering future employment with Howe Inc. please read Dan’s responses about the company below.
Q: What would you say is your favorite thing about working for Howe?
A: My favorite thing about working for Howe is the willingness to invest in the education of their employees. Having the support of your employer to learn and grow is amazing.
Q: What would you say the company culture is like at Howe?
A: The company culture at Howe is very family orientated. Even though we are growing and adding divisions, they still maintain that small mom and pop-shop feel in the company setting.
Q: What would you tell others who are new to Howe, or are looking to start a career with Howe Inc.?
A: If you are wondering about starting a new career with Howe but you don’t know if you are qualified, apply and they will teach you. They are always looking for employees with a drive to work and grow with the company. New employees ask questions! My favorite saying is “A closed mouth goes unfed.”
Q: You recently took a trip to Atlanta, GA for some sprinkler training. Did you do anything exciting while in Atlanta, and what did you learn about fire systems that you didn’t previously know?
A: While in Atlanta, I attended a Braves game. Seeing the stadium was awesome and the Braves winning was a plus. As a group, we were able to tour some high-rise buildings and perform mock inspections to get a more hands on look into real life fire sprinkler applications.
In class at SPP pumps, we had an entire classroom set up with different types of fire sprinkler risers tied into three different fire pump orientations. We generally deal with electric fire pumps back home, so learning how to operate a diesel engine driven fire pump was the most interesting part of my training.
Q: How has the Fire Sprinkler System training help you to better understand your job, and sprinkler systems in general?
A: Throughout the training I learned how to Inspect, Test, and maintain fire sprinkler systems. Learning to navigate and interpret the standard for ITM was very beneficial to furthering my education and career with fire sprinkler systems.
Not only being able to provide a more thorough inspection to maintain better quality sprinkler systems, but to train building owners in the responsibilities they have with owning a fire sprinkler system.
Q: What is your favorite outing or company get-together you have had so far? Is there any coming up you look forward to?
A: As far as a favorite company outing they hold for the employees, I can’t pick a favorite. I look forward to all company outings, as it is a way to get to know more people from the company on a different level other than work. The prizes and gifts they give away at the company outings speaks volumes for the appreciation they have for the hard work we all put in.
Q: How does Howe compare to any previous employers you have had?
A: Howe always wants to provide the best service and products out the door, so they invest in the employee. Previous employers seemed to only be interested in the company and not in the best interest of the employees as well.
Q: What are some of the ways Howe celebrates success?
A: Howe is always recognizing employees for years of employment. They hold BBQ meals for special yearly milestones and give special gifts to those employees to help celebrate their appreciation.
Howe Inc. is always seeking highly motivated individuals to join our team. Interested in a career with Howe? View our job openings. There are many perks and benefits to working for Howe but don’t just take our word for it…
“Anyone looking to start a career with Howe whether it be in the fire sprinkler, plumbing, or HVAC – Apply! It is a great company to work for with room for advancement.”